The last two long runs I have had a lot of knee pain. I did just turn 32, but I felt like I should have a few more good years left in them right? My friend Kim told me about her experience with IT band problems that manifest themselves as knee pain, especially when running downhill. Yes, that is me! "It's all downhill from here" was not as relieving as it used to be. (Thank you Tiffany)!
The problem with IT bands is that they can adhere to other tissue in your legs and become less elastic. This throws off your whole knee alignment, which in turn makes your knee hurt. (Web MD said it much better, but you get the idea). The treatment is rest, ice stretching and rolling out the band. The ice and stretching was great! The rolling pin on the other hand....
Sean asked me what hurt worse, rolling out my IT band or being in labor. I had to think about it. I eventually chose labor, but it was a close race. I had giant knots along the side of my leg and rolling them out was so painful. WebMD also recommended rolling 2-3 times per day for 5-7 minutes. Really?
After two days of rolling, ice and stretching I jumped on the treadmill and do you know what? I think it helped! I ran the entire time without knee pain!
The mileage really picks up from here. Three miles, seven miles, four miles, fifteen miles this week. Yikes!
It's all down hill from here, right Tiff?
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