The San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon

Yep, a marathon...Whose idea was this anyway??

Friday, February 25, 2011

Am I obsessed?

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Can a marathon be a treasure?  I don't know, but it is definitely where my heart it.  Am I letting my identity come from what I can accomplish?  Is it possible that I could be obsessed with running?  Um, yes, and I don't think it is a good idea. Could I still be thankful and praise God if I was not able to run?  This is what I have been pondering this week (while running of course!).

I am not saying that running is a bad thing- I'm saying it isn't good to be obsessed with anything, including running.  I am not going to train any less, I have to train in order to be able to finish the race, but I think mentally I don't need to be so crazy about missing a day, or what new shoes/socks/etc I could use, or the million what ifs I can imagine.  Maybe I need to remember to be thankful that my heart is beating, that I can get outside and find my sanity, that I have 2 legs to run on, that my family loves me even when I am crazy...

That said, I think this is going to be a great adventure.  I love that we signed up to do something that will involve a lot of hard work and determination to accomplish.  I love that we get to do it together.  I love that our husbands are supporting us even though they think we're crazy.   I love that I'll be so excited and/or relieved at the finish line that I will cry (and that folks, gives me a great reason to stuff my bra!).  

I love that my God is full of adventure too, and that if I let Him, he'll patiently run all these miles with me. So with my heart on Him, I'm going for a run.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So I have succumbed to the stupid cold virus that my small people brought home from McDonald's play land (thank you Sean and Kenny)! Or it might have been preschool or kidsplex. Who knows? I am frustrated that I have to put training on hold this week. I was on a roll and hadn't missed a day yet. Do I push through and keep with the schedule or take time off?
Today, all I can think of is going home and putting on my team Jacob sleeping mask and sleeping all day. Although being at home isn't that restful when three small people are crawling all over you. Maybe I'll send them to McDonalds...

The Sweetheart Run

Here is a pic of us at the Sweetheart Run in Fruita.  We all ran the 10k (6 miles was our long run for the week), and we all won prizes in the raffle!  The sweethearts (Kenny and Tasha) even took 3rd!

Check out our resutls!

Yes, I realize that I did not enter my age or gender - Apparently I was having an identity crisis :)


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 3

We have completed week 3 of training and no injuries to speak of! Good Work:) Week 4 is when we start to bump it up! Get lots of rest, fluid, and lets get to it!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Tasha here! I know we can do this, I too hope we don't die! I need to loose at least 10 more pounds to keep up with Jamie and Tiff...but they are good friend so I am sure they will wait for me at the finish line! I am excited and constantly reading about marathoning! So far the word of wisdom are...train, rest, train, train, train, train!
Love, Love,


The Running Tally

This is for you Matt...

- Race registration $130
- New running tights (so I can run outside all winter and not join a gym) on sale at REI $35
- Running shoes (technically I had these already and would've bought them marathon or not) $85
- Lots of running music via iTunes ???
- New long sleeve running shirt on sale at REI $30
- Race entry for Fruita's Sweetheart Run $20 (I totally would've spent this anyway)
- Race entry for Gateway's Better 1/2 Marathon (haven't signed up yet, but planning on it since we have a  13 mile long run on our schedule that week) $40
- Planning on buying more running shoes before race day to replace current shoes ??  But wait!  I won a $50 gift card for Brooks running shoes at the Sweetheart Race- Yippeee!!!

Total so far...$340 without counting the music and new shoes I plan to buy
Oh yeah - Apparently after showing this to Matt (the fiscally responsible one) he mentioned that I could include the travel, he is so detail orientated :)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wanna Run with us?

We (by we I mean Tasha the Organized) chose a training schedule by marathoner Hal Higdon.  Here it is if you are so inclined to train with us...come on, you know you want to!

1) finish the race and have a picture of us after finishing to hang on my wall
2) average ~10 min miles - to finish around 4 hours
3) not die


Are we CRAZY??!!

Yes. The answer is yes, we are crazy.  My very good friends and I have lost our minds and signed up for a marathon.  "Which marathon?" you might ask - the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon of course!  It has been on my bucket list for a while to run a marathon, and so when my two crazy friends asked if I wanted to run one with them, there was no backing out.  The San Diego race has been tempting me because well, its in San Diego, and because its a rock and roll marathon which means there is a different band at every mile.  So far our plan is to leave the kids with the grandparents, and take off for a long weekend with our husbands and run a marathon together (the husbands think we're crazy too, they're just in it for the vacation).  When is the race? June 5th.  Are we training?  Well of course we are.  This blog is an attempt record our adventure in case we completely lose our minds and can't remember what we were thinking when we signed up.